Judgment of the Supreme Court CR of September 4, 2013 in Case No. 23 Cdo 3896/2012: (i) Pleading Invalidity of Arbitration Agreement/Arbitration Clause and Timely Plea, (ii) Obligation of Court, by Its Own Motion, to Examine Validity of Arbitration Agreement/Arbitration Clause in proceedings for Annulment of Arbitral Award
European Court of Justice
appointment of arbitrator
purchase price
pleading invalidity of an arbitration clause
pleading invalidity of an arbitration agreement
separability of arbitration clause
consumer protection
validity of a juridical act
validity of an arbitration clause
validity of an arbitration agreement
(doing) business
EU law
arbitration clause
arbitration agreement
ad hoc arbitrator
ad hoc arbitration
contractual penalty
Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
B2C dispute
permanent arbitral institution
default interest
by own motion (ex officio)
timely plea
annulment (setting aside) of arbitral award
about the authors

Univ. Professor, Dr.iur., Mgr., Dipl. Ing. oec/MB, Dr.h.c. Lawyer admitted and practising in Prague/CZE (Branch N.J./US), Senior Partner of the Law Offices Bělohlávek, Dept. of Law, Faculty of Economics, Ostrava, CZE, Dept. of Int. and European Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno, CZE (visiting), Chairman of the Commission on Arbitration ICC National Committee CZE, Arbitrator in Prague, Vienna, Kiev etc. Member of ASA, DIS, Austrian Arb. Association. The President of the WJA – the World Jurist Association, Washington D.C./USA.

e-mail: office@ablegal.cz